
Pastors and Church Leaders
Dinner and Briefing

Best Western in Arlington, WA
Information and Registration


When: Saturday, April 28, 2018
6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Where: Best Western Hotel
3721 172nd St NE
Arlington, WA 98223

Who should attend: We look forward to hosting this evening with pastors, youth workers, Sunday School teachers, school teachers, and parents, as well as their spouses who desire to learn how to defend their faith.

Cost:  Cost is $10 per person. Spouse may attend for $5.

A dynamic Briefing will be given by Mike Riddle, Founder and President of Creation Training Initiative (CTI), at this dinner and briefing with the goal of equipping our youth to trust God’s Word. The delicious BBQ dinner will give attendees a time to fellowship with other pastors and church leaders with a common goal. Free resources will also be provided.

I can’t think of a more urgent need than enabling young people to understand their faith and preparing them to defend it against the onslaught of secular thought they encounter in their schools and in popular culture.”
– Ron Luce, Battle Cry For A Generation, 2005.

Fixing Something That Is Not Working – March 2018 CTI Newsletter.

The Briefing: 

How to Equip Children to Trust God’s Word”

  • Our foundation – the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • What is the current situation?
  • Why do so many Christian youth not trust the Bible?
  • What is our mission?
  • A solution to equipping Christian youth to stand firm in the midst of intolerance towards Christianity.
  • 5 things youth must know

About Mike Riddle:

Mike is the founder and president of Creation Training Initiative. He is an international speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education. He has been involved in creation and apologetics education for over 35 years. Mike has spoken at NASA, many secular and Christian universities, churches around the world, state homeschool conventions and secular and Christian high schools. Prior to being involved in creation ministry Mike was a Captain in the USMC and a nation champion in track and field.

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