Has Science Killed God? – Dr. Andy McIntosh

October 1, 2018 @ 11:45 am – 1:15 pm
Bob's Burger
8815 Quil Ceda Blvd
Marysville, WA 98271
Bob Martinez

Men’s Luncheon With a Talk on
Has Science Killed God?
by Dr. Andy McIntosh

Description: The title addresses the questions as to (a) What is Science? and (b) Who is God? The talks shows that science is limited and can only deal with the physical world and has to be repeatable. Many of the greatest scientists were believers and there are many today who are believers. It is a lie to say that science can only be done from an atheist or naturalist perspective. The God of the Bible is transcendent and not defined by the physical world. He is the great “I AM” and we are made in His image. We consider (1) examples of great science which points clearly to design with irreducible complexity (2) rationality which shows we are more than walking brains (3) meaning and truth which only have realistic answers in Christ and the Gospel, and (4) morality which only has a firm basis in the revealed truth of the Bible, sin and Redemption..

Speaker:Professor Andy McIntosh DSc, FIMA, CMath, FEI, CEng, FInstP, MIGEM, FRAeS is retired from full time work at the University of Leeds, and is now a visiting research professor in Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory. He has lectured and researched in these fields for over 30 years and has a DSc from the University of Wales and a PhD from Cranfield University. A Fellow of the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, and the Royal Aeronautical Society, he now lectures in many countries on the subject of origins, showing that the science is entirely consistent with the Bible, and contrary to the dogmatic assertions of secular humanists,  that the science does does not fit well with evolutionary thinking. His lectures on design cover many areas including the marvels of the design of the human body, the bombardier beetle (which work was awarded the 2010 Times Higher Educational award for the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology), the exquisite design of birds, bats and the flying insects, and information and thermodynamics.

Some Background on Dr. McIntosh:

Meeting Documents:

Dr. Andy McIntosh, a Creation Speaker from the UK, will  be on a speaking tour of the Pacific NW from September 26 to October 15. He will be available to speak in the Greater Seattle area from September 26 to October 3.

  • Dr. McIntosh’s complete schedule can be found here.

If you have an interest in having Dr. McIntosh speak at your church or another venue, or know of someone who might have an interest, please call Heinz at 425-501-5075 or email him at heinz@osta.com. Dr. McIntosh’s website provides an overview of his bio, his professional experience, and a list of some of the talks he gives in various venues.

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