Why The Bible Is True – Mike Riddle

September 25, 2022 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
First Baptist Church Arlington
426 N. French Ave.
WA 98223
Heinz Lycklama

Sunday Morning, September 25

Mike Riddle, President of Creation Training Initiative, will be with us at the worship service at 10:30 AM, and during the Sunday School hour at 9:00 AM.

Sunday School: Answering the Challenges

We answer some of the common challenges to the Christian faith:

  1. Gen 1:31 states that God’s creation was “very good”, however in Gen 2:18 He states, “it is not good”. Was God’s creation good or not? There seems to be a contradiction here.
  2. Show me any evidence for the existence of God
  3. Why would God punish someone for all eternity for committing small sins that don’t hurt anyone else?
  4. There are only about 6 verses out the over 31.000 that talk about homosexuality. In addition, Jesus never talked about it. So why are Christians against it? Shouldn’t you be focusing on more important issues in the Bible?
  5. If Jesus is the only way to God, then what about all the people who have never heard of Him?
  6. Why did God put the tree of the “Knowledge of Good and Evil” in the Garden of Eden when He knew what would happen?
  7. Suffering proves God is not a loving God.
  8. Creation is a secondary doctrine, therefore we should not focus on it

Worship Service: Why The Bible Is True

Powerful evidence why the Bible is the one and only true Word of God. The talk examines six criteria which demonstrate the Bible is true and can be trusted from beginning to end.
1. Testimony of the book (internal evidence)
2. Are there any differences between religions?
3. Who wrote the book (Bible)?
4. Which one agrees with reality.
5. Which one answers ultimate questions.
6. How do we get saved?

Mike Riddle – President of CTI & Education Specialist
Mike is an international speaker and educator on Christian education and apologetics. He holds a degree in mathematics and a graduate degree in education and has been involved in creation ministry for more than thirty years. Prior to getting involved in creation ministry, Mike was a Captain in the U.S. Marines and a national champion in track and field. Mike’s experience in the education field includes:


  • Teaching junior high and senior high school mathematics.
  • An instructor at the Northwest Graduate School of the Ministry and the Institute for Creation Research Graduate School.
  • Managing U.S. Sprint’s world-wide technical training.
  • Managing Microsoft’s world-wide engineer training.
  • Development and delivery of courses on presentation skills and teaching methods.
  • Mike currently lectures and teaches world-wide on creation apologetics, Christian education, science and the Bible, and developing a biblical worldview.

He resides in Boise, ID with his wife Lesley.

Meeting Documents:

Mike Riddle, Founder and President of Creation Training Initiative (CTI), will be back in the Greater Seattle area September 21-25.

  • Mike’s complete schedule can be found here.

If you have an interest in having Mike speak at your church or another venue, or know of someone who might have an interest, please call Heinz at 425-501-5075 or email him at heinz@osta.com. A list and brief description of many of the seminars and sermons that Mike gives are provided on his website. More details here:

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