Creation Tours – Field Trips
Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County is promoting a number of Field Trips in the Northwest this summer. Each Field Trip is a guided tour by an expert who is familiar with, and able to explain, the significance of the geological formations that provide evidence of God’s creative power. Click on the entries below for details on each of the exciting Field Trips organized by Ron Payne, a CAPS Board Member:
[ai1ec view=”agenda” ai1ec cat_name=”Creation Tours”]
Sign up for the one(s) you have an interest in by calling/emailing Ron Payne with the information that he needs for planning purposes. Signup instructions are included in each of the Field Trip descriptions.
Other Creation organizations offering Creation Tours (Field Trips) are described here.
Field Trip Documents:
- Flyer to post in church foyers and on school bulletin boards.
- Announcement Slide for showing in churches and schools.