FAQ about finding information on the Apologetics Forum (AFSC) website
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How do I find local upcoming Apologetics/Creation events planned by Apologetics/Creation groups in the Greater Seattle area?
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Apologetics Forum maintains lists of events planned by the three local Apologetics/Creation groups in the Greater Seattle area. You can find them in the subitems under the Events menu item on the AFSC website.
For Apologetics Forum events, click on Upcoming Apologetics Forum Events
subitem under Events menu item and get:
These are events that AFSC has a role in planning.
For Apologetics Symposium events, click on Apologetics Symposium Events
subitem under Events menu item and get:
This web page shows two options:
- Upcoming events.
- Videos of past events.
All of these items are maintained and updated by Chris Ashcraft.
For CAPS events, click on Upcoming CAPS Events subitem under the Events menu item and get:
https://apologeticsforum.net/events/upcoming-caps-events/. This brings up a web page with two main things:
- Upcoming CAPS Events that AFSC tracks for its audience.
- Other Upcoming CAPS Events maintained on Bruce Barton’s website.
How do I find out which Apologetics/Creation speakers are available in the Greater Seattle area in the coming months?
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Apologetics Forum maintains a list of upcoming AFSC events with Speakers, Topics, Dates, and Speaker Availability here: https://apologeticsforum.net/speaker-availability/. This is designed to make interested parties aware of when one of the out-of-town speakers may be available to talk at one of their venues. All are encouraged to call or email Heinz when they have an interest in scheduling one of these speakers.
How do I find Apologetics/Creation speakers who gave talks at past AFSC meetings and watch the video recordings of these talks that were given by them?
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Apologetics Forum maintains a list of all past AFSC speakers, and the topics and dates of their past talks here: https://apologeticsforum.net/resources-links/speakers/. The video and audio recordings of most talks given by AFSC speakers are kept online.
How do I get answers to questions I have about the evidence for the truth of God’s Word?
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To find answers to your questions, you can enter a question or topic on the Find web page on the Apologetics Forum website. For example, you can search for answers to the question “Where did Cain get his wife?” or on the topic of “Flat Earth.” To find articles on Flat Earth here is what you can do. Go to the Evidence/Find webpage here: https://apologeticsforum.net/evidences/find/.
Use one of the first three search engines listed there and search for the words flat and earth:
and you will get results like the following:
- http://creation.com/refuting-flat-earth
- http://christiananswers.net/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?zoom_sort=0&zoom_xml=0&zoom_query=flat+earth&zoom_per_page=50&zoom_and=0&zoom_cat%5B%5D=-1
- https://www.gotquestions.org/search.php?zoom_query=flat+earth&search.x=0&search.y=0
- https://www.gotquestions.org/geocentrism-Bible.html
- https://www.gotquestions.org/flat-earth-Bible.html
- http://creationtoday.org/searchcreation/
You can also use the other other search tools on the Find web page to find additional articles on your topics and questions of interest.
Please suggest new questions (and answers) here when you think of them. We want to make it as easy as possible for new users to find information on the Apologetics Forum website. Email requests to heinz@osta.com. Thanks.