Creation Apologetics presents the improbability of evolution from a statistical perspective and the need for integrity in science.
A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism lists scientists who are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutations and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.
Access Research Network has a wide variety of creation science and intelligent design resources.
AIIA Institute‘s mission is to persuade people of the truth of Christianity, assist the church in doing the same, and to promote understanding and goodwill between Christians and those espousing non-Christian worldviews.
Alpha Omega Institute is an educational organization dedicated to teaching the Biblical and scientific evidence of creation throughout the world.
Always Be Ready Apologetics Ministry is a Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to equipping people with well-researched information on issues that seek to undermine or challenge the truth of Christianity as revealed in the Bible.
Answers In Genesis (AIG) is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.
Ask John Mackay the Creation Guy answers questions on many topics in creation science.
Apologetics Press is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to the defense of New Testament Christianity. Of particular interest are the speakers and topics that they cover.
Associates for Biblical Research is a Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to demonstrating the historical reliability of the Bible through archaeological and biblical research.
Bible Science Association is a creation organization in Southern California which features guest speakers from scientists and experts in the fields of astronomy, biology, geology, genetics, and much more. Our lectures and films concentrate on how the evidence and research discovered in each of the scientific disciplines is consistent with the biblical account of creation and how it contradicts the ever-changing claims made by the evolutionary origins model.
Bible Science Forum has many articles on creation science, especially on creation, evolution, and cosmology.
Biblical Discipleship Ministries is a teaching and discipleship ministry with Dr. Jobe Martin for the purpose of bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.
Biblical Science Institute is a creation-themed science ministry established by Dr. Jason Lisle to defend the Christian worldview against those who claim that the Bible is unscientific.
Biologic Institute presents the scientific case for intelligent design in biology.
Christian Answers is a nonprofit, donor-based ministry of Films for Christ.
Conservapedia is a wiki encyclopedia project written from an American conservative, young Earth creationist, and Christian fundamentalist point of view.
Creation Adventures Museum was founded by Dr. Gary and Mrs. Mary Parker. The museum has displays and hands-on activities on dinosaurs, sharks, shells, and origins with an emphasis on fossils. They also lead field trips focusing on these topics.
Creation Astronomy exposes the bankruptcy of the evolutionary model, especially in astronomy, presents educational resources, and discusses controversies about the creation perspective.
Creation Engineering Concepts is devoted to explanations for how true science can easily be harmonized with Gods Word through the development of a proper biblical worldview.
Creation Evolution Headlines critically examines the evidence and the underlying assumptions of evolutionism, pointing out logical and philosophical fallacies the other science news sites routinely ignore, and praising good science that gets it right.
Creation Ministries International (CMI) is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its Gospel message.
Creation Moments is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) interdenominational Christian outreach program. We serve individuals, students, churches, home schoolers and professionals by offering products that uphold the truth of God in creation.
Creation Research is a faith ministry to proclaim Christ as Creator, Sustainer, Savior, Lord and Judge. Its director is John Mackay. Their research promotes the scientific aspects of creation.
The Creation Research Society (CRS) is a professional organization of trained scientists and interested laypersons who are firmly committed to scientific special creation.
Creation Safaris – featuring adventure, worship, and education, they help young people and adults understand and follow Gods plan for their lives, and Gods plan for the world, as revealed in the Bible.
Creation Science 4 Kids is written by a home-schooling mother and is presented on a student level.
Creation Science Fellowship of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa California presents speakers in various fields of science.
The overarching operating principle of the Creation-Science Research Center is the development and application of a constitutional-legal strategy for redressing philosophical imbalance wherever tax-funds are being used to promote a particular philosophical-religious belief system. The Center’s primary objective has been to change the manner in which the public schools teach about evolutionary theories. The purpose is to protect the faith of Christian children from illegal offense against their faith in the God of Creation.
Creation Science Resources is a part of and lists organizations, events, tours, and creation science speakers in the northwestern United States.
Creation Studies Institute aims to disseminate information that supports the origins of man and the universe as stated in the literal interpretation of the Genesis account by equipping Christians, the general public, and the scientific community through exemplary educational programs, exciting creation field expeditions, hands-on creation workshops, seminars, and an on-campus creation science center and museum.
Creation Today produces some of the most requested resources available on creation, apologetics, and evangelism and has many videos, articles, and courses. It is lead by Eric Hovind and Paul Taylor.
Creation Training Initiative – Mike Riddle teaches Christians how to teach biblical truth. The mission is to provide basic and in-depth training courses and resources to equip Christians (adults, youth, and children) to defend their Christian faith.
Creation Wiki is a educational encyclopedia that has been written from the Biblical worldview.
Creation science resources should be made readily available to families, the church, and ministry organizations throughout the world. The Creation Science Alliance was formed by museum staff, ministry teams, missionaries and professionals joining together for the glory of God. Such unity allows us to more effectively serve the body of Christ in local communities and across the globe.
Discovery Institutes Center for Science and Culture promotes Intelligent Design and has much information on current events, lectures, research, education, academic freedom, and resources.
Earth Science Associates is a ministry of Robert Gentry and presents information on polonium halos as evidence for Earths young age.
Evolution in Context presents quotes and discussions on philosophy, physics, chemistry, paleontology, and biology. It is sponsored by the Veritas Forum at the University of California Santa Barbara.
Flood/Ice Age Research supports the Genesis Flood model based on Genesis 6-9 and the post-Flood ice age.
Foundations in Creation Apologetics presents a 15-lesson online class to give you a firm foundation in the fundamental ideas of creation apologetics and help you understand the battle between the authority of Scripture and the authority of man in modern culture.
From Thinking to Believing is a ministry of Dr. Werner Gitt, a distinguished information scientist, and presents several articles on science, information, and faith.
Godisnowhere presents a rational, coherent and consistent set of axioms and propositions to defend why we believe in the existence of God. We rely on the bible as our primary source. We study and declare extra-biblical evidence, philosophical, theological and scientific. With the purpose of teaching believers and non-believers what it means to take a critical path to faith or to come to faith in Christ. Four areas of study are emphasized: paleontology, cosmology, information, and water.
Got Questions Ministries provides answers to many topics within a biblical worldview.
Institute for Creation Research (ICR) is a leader in scientific research within the context of biblical creation.
Intelligent Design is from the Discovery Institute and presents topics in science and education as related to intelligent design.
Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center is a forum for fostering better understanding of intelligent design and creation-evolution issues.
Logos Research Associates is a a fellowship of scholars and scientists who faithfully hold to the teachings of Jesus Christ and all of his Word, and also faithfully hold to the scientific method and the need for scientific integrity.
Mount St Helens Creation Center interprets the results of the eruption of Mount St. Helens from a biblical young-Earth perspective.
NJBibleScience helps people connect the Bible and science through online educational presentations. They believe there is good agreement between a proper understanding of science and a proper understanding of the Bible.
NW Creation Network is a Christian ministry providing Biblically-based education in creation apologetics.
Origins Resource Association is a nonprofit organization of scientists, educators, and citizens concerned with the brainwashing of our society into an unquestioning belief in evolution. Their mission is to furnish resources to help counter this trend.
Privileged Species features Dr. Michael Denton and discusses how the cosmos is designed for human life. It is sponsored by the Discovery Institute.
Scopes Monkey Trial explains the facts behind the famous trial and the subsequent film Inherit the Wind.
Society of Creation is a ministry of Concordia University System to affirm the biblical account of creation. Their web site lists creation conferences they sponsor and downloads of previous conference speakers.
Tas Walkers Biblical Geology is a ministry of Tas Walker of Creation Ministries International – Australia and focuses on the Genesis Flood, age of the earth, and a biblical geologic model.
The Creation Club was formed by David Rives Ministries, a non-profit 501(c)3, to give gifted writers and contributors a place to share their content relating to Biblical Creation.
The Creation Guys, Pat Roy, Kyle and Noah Justice, present programs, radio shows, and online conferences that connect you to some of the most engaging speakers in the world, to drive you deeper in your relationship with Christ, as you learn the scientific case that is in harmony with God’s Word.
The TrueOrigin Archive comprises an intellectually honest response to what in fairness can only be described as evolutionismthe doctrine of strict philosophical naturalism as a necessary presupposition in matters of science history (i.e., origins).
Your Origins Matter is a student outreach that exists to encourage and facilitate conversation about design, creation and our origins.
General Apologetics
Christian Answers is a worldwide evangelism, education and discipleship ministry of Films for Christ. Our primary goal is to provide accurate, biblical answers on a wide variety of questions asked by Christians and non-Christians.
The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM) is a 501(c)3, non-profit, Christian ministry dedicated to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the promotion and defense of the Christian Gospel, doctrine, and theology.
Genesis Apologetics – Genesis Apologetics is a non-profit organization that seeks to equip Christian students attending public schools and their parents with faith- building materials that reaffirm a Biblical creation worldview. We are committed to providing Christian families with Biblically- and scientifically-based answers to the evolutionary theory that many children are taught during 6th, 7th, and 10th grades in public schools (in California) and most other states during varying grades.
Reasons for Hope, Inc (rforh) is an apologetics ministry with a mission is to equip believers to fulfill the command found in 1 Peter 3:15.