AFSC Board

AFSC was founded to provide a local forum to help equip believers in the Defense of The Faith. It held its first meeting in September 2013.

The AFSC Board of Directors:

  1. Dr. Heinz Lycklama, 425-501-5075,
  2. Pastor Rick Long, 360-435-9191,
  3. Warren Holmen, 206-713-0190,
  4. Barry Bogue, 425-870-8682,
  5. Ron Payne, 425-820-2897,
  6. Dan Kreft,
  7. Bill Marshaleck,  425-457-6200,

Dr. Heinz Lycklama, President, has a PhD in Nuclear Physics and is now retired after more than 40 years in the high tech industry. He has been involved in the Creation vs. Evolution controversy for more than 25 years. Heinz has been an active  member of Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) for many years, and is involved with various international Creation ministry organizations. He has given lectures, courses, and sermons on topics in the areas of 1) Creation vs. Evolution, 2) Christian Apologetics and 3) Biblical Worldview in different venues locally as well as overseas. Details at He has a strong desire to teach others how to defend the faith, especially related to Creation, and how to refute the false claims of Evolutionism.

Pastor Rick Long, Secretary, is the senior pastor of Atonement Free Lutheran Church in Arlington. As a Christian pastor, he has a passion for seeing the authority and accuracy of the Bible being upheld from its very first verse as well as seeing Christians equipped to defend their faith in the face of the many assaults on Christianity in our culture.  Rick’s role on the board is to assist in the evaluation of speaker selection and board policies while also helping to facilitate some of the mechanics of our Apologetics Forum meetings themselves.

Warren Holmen, Treasurer, is retired from a 40 year career in telecommunications as a technician, technical trainer and provider of technical support to field personnel.  Currently he is Chairman of the congregation at Atonement Free Lutheran Church and teaches the adult Sunday School class, using AiG Answers material. He was introduced to Apologetics and the study of Biblical Creation in 2013 at an Apologetics Forum meeting.  Defending the faith has been an important part of his life since 2013.

Barry Bogue, Director at large, is retired after 35 years in the steel fabrication/manufacturing industry as a designer, project engineer and manager for the construction of offshore drilling rigs. In addition he was the President and General Manager of a specialty manufacturing company with products including tourist submarines and nuclear waste canisters.  He is passionate about the advancement of Apologetics and enthusiastically supports and promotes the AFSC mission, primarily it’s efforts in teaching the Biblical Worldview of Creation while debunking Evolutionism.

Ron Payne, Creation Tour guide for Dry Falls and Mount St. Helens, and speaker on creation apologetics. He also offers training in financial management. Ron Payne has a B.S. degree in chemistry from the University of Washington and studied microbiology at Oregon State University. He spent 35 years in the Aerospace Industry as a Senior Principle Materials and Process Engineer. He was a Board member for the Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) and also for the Mount St. Helens Creation Center for more than 15 years. He managed and provided creation resources for CAPS and spoke on various creation topics to homeschool and church groups.

Dan Kreft, the Seven-Foot Apologist, is a cross-generational teacher, itinerant speaker, and author of the three-volume book, “Jesus” Is Not the Answer to Every Sunday School Question. In addition to his own ministry, he also serves as an adjunct instructor for Mike Riddle’s Creation Training Initiative. Dan earned a BS in electrical engineering from Northwestern University, played professional basketball for three years, and has been developing websites professionally since 1995. Dan’s passion is to equip and encourage the body of Christ to confidently deliver biblical responses to skeptical assaults on our faith, with a particular emphasis on the sufficiency and authority of Scripture, starting with the very first verse.

Bill Marshaleck has a bachelors degree in Mathematics – Computer Science from UCLA.  He has worked as a Systems Analyst/Software Engineer in the computer science field for Transamerica Insurance Group, Toyota USA, Freightliner and PACCAR.  He retired after 24 years with the Boeing Company. He was a Board member for the Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) where he served as secretary. He has given lectures on the Star of Bethlehem and The Christmas story and taught the 7 C’s of History (AIG) to the children at Coal Creek Chapel.  His passion specifically involves Creation Apologetics and promoting it within the Greater Seattle area.

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