1. AFSC Letter of Introduction, September 7, 2013
2. , September 10, 2013
Archived Documents:
1. Meeting Flyer
2. Meeting Bulletin Insert
3. AFSC-Survey.docx – Survey Form [Please download, fill out, and email to]
AFSC Letter of Introduction:
Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County (AFSC) Letter of Introduction
Leaders (pastors, elders, teachers, apologists) in about 50 churches and schools in the local area are receiving this letter of introduction to determine their interest in the Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County (AFSC) which Dr. Heinz Lycklama and Mr. Rob Overgaard are in the process of forming. The mission and operation of AFSC, along with its What We Believe statement, are explained in ApolForum.pdf. Based on participation in the Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) and involvement in other Christian Apologetics activities, Heinz and Rob see the need for a local Forum where Christians can be equipped to defend their Faith in the postmodern world in three related areas: 1)Creation vs. Evolution, 2) Christian Apologetics and 3) Biblical Worldview. AFSC provides a local Forum in the North Snohomish County area for lectures and DVD programs by knowledgeable Creation Science, Christian Apologetics, and Biblical Worldview presenters.
Studies done by Answers In Genesis (AIG), documented in recent books Already Gone and Already Compromised, show that more than 60% of youth raised in the church leave the church once they leave home. The main reasons are 1) they are looking for more answers to their hard questions, and 2) they are being indoctrinated in secularism and evolutionism. There are a number of Creation organizations in the Northwest that provide a forum for lectures and DVD programs for those interested in Creation Science. These include:
1. Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon (FIGI) [Boise]
2. Institute for Creation Science (ICS) [Portland]
3. Design Science Association (DSA) [Portland]
4. Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) – [Bellevue].
Examples of some others in other parts of the US and Canada include:
5. Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship [Lakewood, CO]
6. Creation Fellowship [Ft. Lauderdale, FL]
7. Creation Science Association of British Columbia [Vancouver, BC].
The mission of AFSC is similar to that of these organizations but in addition AFSC also 1) provides a local meeting place in Snohomish County and 2) expands the scope of the lectures/programs on Creation Science to include Christian Apologetics and Biblical Worldview.
Participants in AFSC meetings can learn that biblical creation is supported by science and that there is no need for outdated compromises with evolution. Christian Apologetics includes such topics as Archaeology, Fulfilled Prophecies, Manuscript Transmission, etc. Christians are also challenged in their faith by secular ideas in regards to history, science, false Messiahs (e.g. Horus, Mithra, Zoroaster), the Zeitgeist movie, Gnostic gospels, etc. Answers to these challenges can also be presented. We believe the biblical worldview is based on the infallible Word of God and is the foundation of everything we say and do. All presentations are given with the presupposition that the Bible is God’s inspired word and is accurate and inerrant in its original autographs.
Heinz has a PhD in Nuclear Physics and is now retired after more than 40 years in the high tech industry. He has been involved in the Creation vs. Evolution controversy for more than 25 years. Heinz is an active member of Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) and is involved with various international Creation ministries. He has given lectures and courses on topics in all three areas of interest to AFSC in different venues locally as well as overseas. [ and heinz-bio-talks.pdf.] Rob has an MA degree in history and an M. Div. Degree, and has served as a pastor with the Church of the Lutheran Brethren in Canada and the US for 6 years. He is now employed by Boeing and has been involved with Creation vs. Evolution, Genesis and associated apologetics issues for many years. In recent years he has helped to promote speakers in the area from Creation Ministries International.
A number of local Christian/Creation Apologists who have spoken on topics of interest to AFSC have expressed an interest in speaking at AFSC meetings. They include:
1. Chris Ashcraft, M. Sc. Biology, Teacher
2. Dr. Heinz Lycklama, PhD in Nuclear Physics
3. Spike Psarris, B. Engin. –
4. Bruce Barton, BA in Meteorology and BA in Theology
More Creation Apologetics resources that we may draw on, speakers as well as Creation organizations, are listed on the NW Creation website at:
You are receiving the survey questionnaire file ApolSurvey.docx as a possible interested party. Based on your feedback we plan to identify those interested in serving on the AFSC Board of Directors and on an Advisory Board. If you, or someone you know, have a passion for Apologetics and an interest in serving on one of these Boards, let us know. Please use the Survey questionnaire to respond to the 11 questions. Fill in the blanks in the Survey MSWord document and return the survey answers as an email attachment to
We are also interested in volunteers who can help with various tasks identified on the last page of the ApolForum.pdf document. This includes someone with web development skills to build and maintain the AFSC website. If you, or someone you know, have an interest in volunteering for some of these tasks, please let us know.
The first meeting of the AFSC Forum is planned for Friday September 27, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Atonement Free Lutheran Church in Arlington, WA. Heinz will speak on What You May Not Know About Creation Apologetics. There will be time for questions and answers about the lecture as well as about the plans for AFSC in the future. Refreshments will be available afterwards. More details later.
All documents referenced in this letter of introduction to AFSC can be found here:
1. ApolLetter.pdf Letter of Introduction to AFSC Why, Who, When, Survey
2. ApolForum.pdf Apologetics Forum Overview Mission, Operation, What We Believe, Background, Plans, Resources, Tasks, Issues, Volunteers
3. ApolSurvey.docx Survey Questions
4. heinz-bio-talks.pdf Bio for Dr. Heinz Lycklama.
Heinz and Rob can be reached at:
Dr. Heinz Lycklama, 425-501-5075,, many lectures at
Mr. Rob Overgaard, 425-344-1169,
AFSC Announcement:
The Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County (AFSC)
1. Candidates for AFSC Board of Directors and Advisory Board sought.
2. Volunteers for webmaster and other tasks sought.
3. First meeting of AFSC on Friday, September 27th at 7:00 PM.
Dr. Heinz Lycklama and Mr. Rob Overgaard have formed the Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County (AFSC). Based on participation in the Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) and involvement in other Christian Apologetics activities, Heinz and Rob see the need for a local Forum where Christians can be equipped to defend their Faith in the postmodern world in three related areas: 1) Creation vs. Evolution, 2) Christian Apologetics and 3) Biblical Worldview. AFSC provides a local Forum in the North Snohomish County area for lectures and DVD programs by knowledgeable Creation Science, Christian Apologetics, and Biblical Worldview presenters. The mission and operation ofAFSC, along with its What We Believe statement, are explained below.
Why: Studies done by Answers In Genesis (AIG), documented in recent books Already Gone and Already Compromised, show that more than 60% of youth raised in the church leave the church once they leave home. The main reasons are 1) they are looking for more answers to their hard questions, and 2) they are being indoctrinated in secularism and evolutionism. See also this Koinonia House article. There are a number of Creation organizations in the Northwest that provide a forum for lectures and DVD programs for those interested in Creation Science. These include:
1. Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon (FIGI) [Boise]
2. Institute for Creation Science (ICS) [Portland]
3. Design Science Association (DSA) [Portland]
4. Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) – [Bellevue].
Examples of some others in other parts of the US and Canada include:
5. Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship [Lakewood, CO]
6. Creation Fellowship [Ft. Lauderdale, FL]
7. Creation Science Association of British Columbia [Vancouver, BC].
The mission of AFSC is similar to that of these organizations. In addition AFSC also 1) provides a local meeting place in Snohomish County and 2) expands the scope of the lectures/programs on Creation Science to include Christian Apologetics and Biblical Worldview.
Participants in AFSC meetings can learn that biblical creation is supported by science and that there is no need for outdated compromises with evolution. Christian Apologetics includes such topics as Fulfilled Prophecies, Archaeology, Manuscript Transmission, etc. Christians are also challenged in their faith by secular ideas in regards to history, science, false Messiahs (e.g. Horus, Mithra, Zoroaster), the Zeitgeist movie, Gnostic gospels, etc. Answers to these challenges can also be presented. We believe the Biblical Worldview is based on the infallible Word of God and is the foundation of everything we say and do. All presentations are given with the presupposition that the Bible is God’s inspired word and is accurate and inerrant in its original autographs.
AFSC Mission: The primary mission of AFSC is to provide a local Forum in the North Snohomish County area for equipping believers on how to defend their Christian faith using arguments and evidence for its truth. The scope of Apologetics topics includes the three related areas of:
1. Christian Apologetics (what, why, how)
2. Creation vs. Evolution (biblical basis, scientific evidence)
3. Biblical Worldview (what, all areas of life)
Participants in the Forum can gain more information on these topics by the following means:
1. Lectures on Apologetics by knowledgeable local and out-of-town speakers
2. DVD Presentations on Apologetics
3. Guide to Apologetics Resources
4. Lending Library of Books and DVDs
5. Courses on Apologetics (?)
AFSC Operation: Monthly educational meetings will be held at a church in the North Snohomish County area either on Friday evening at 7 PM or on Saturday morning at 9 AM. [Time and place TBD]. Each meeting will include a lecture (about 1 hour) by a knowledgeable speaker who agrees with the Forums What We Believe statement below or the showing of a DVD on a topic within the scope of the Forums mission. There will be time (about 20 minutes) for discussion on the topic presented, followed by refreshments.
AFSC is run by a Board of Directors and advised by an Advisory Board whose members have knowledge in the topics discussed at AFSC meetings and have a strong interest in providing and supporting an environment for participants to gain well-researched information in the defense of their Christian faith.
The Forum is initially designed to draw its audience from believers in the northern part of Snohomish County [Arlington, Marysville, Stanwood, Lake Stevens, etc.] although others from neighboring areas are welcome to participate. The Forum is meant to be a place where hard questions about the Christian Faith, Creation and Worldview get answered and where participants are strengthened in their faith.
What We Believe:
1. We are always to be ready to give an intelligent, biblically accurate defense of the Christian faith with meekness and fear. I Pet. 3:15; Matt. 22:37; Jude 3, Col. 4:5-6.
2. The Bible, in its entirety, is Gods inspired word. It is fully inerrant in its original autographs, not only concerning spiritual issues, but also in history and science. II Pet. 1:20-21; II Tim. 3:16.
3. The universe and all it contains, both living and non-living, was designed by God and created out of nothing in six days as described in Genesis. Biological changes since creation have been confined within the created kinds. Gen. 1:1-31; Ex. 20:11.
4. The Noachian Flood was an historic event, worldwide in extent. Gen. 6:17; II Pet. 3:6.
5. Acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God, Creator and Redeemer, is mankinds only path to reconciliation with God. John 1:1-3; Col. 1:16; Acts 4:12; II Cor. 5:19.
6. The biblical worldview is based on the infallible Word of God and is the foundation of all we say and do. The Bible speaks to all areas of life: ethics, psychology, sociology, science, law, politics, economics, and history. We engage our culture by thinking biblically. 1 Ch. 12:32; Col. 2:8.
Who: Dr. Heinz Lycklama has a PhD in Nuclear Physics and is now retired after more than 40 years in the high tech industry. He has been involved in the Creation vs. Evolution controversy for more than 25 years. Heinz is an active member of Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) and is involved with various international Creation ministries. He has given lectures and courses on topics in all three areas of interest to AFSC in different venues locally as well as overseas. [See and heinz-bio-talks.pdf.] Mr. Rob Overgaard has an MA degree in history and an M. Div. Degree, and has served as a pastor with the Church of the Lutheran Brethren in Canada and the US for 6 years. He is now employed by Boeing and has been involved with Creation vs. Evolution, Genesis and associated apologetics issues for many years. In recent years he has helped to promote speakers in the area from Creation Ministries International (CMI).
What: Christian Apologetics is based primarily on the Bible and uses logic to provide a rational basis for the Christian faith to defend it against objections. Apologists base their defense of Christianity on historical evidence, philosophical arguments, scientific investigation and arguments from other disciplines. We believe that the postmodern world needs Christians who are prepared to give the reasons for the hope that is within us we are dedicated to that mission. AFSCcreates a community where Christians can learn from each other, ask the hard questions of our faith, and receive the support of a community of Christian thinkers. The Forum equips Christians with well-researched information on issues that seek to undermine or challenge the truth of Christianity as revealed in the Bible.
AFSC provides a forum for lectures and DVD programs by knowledgeable Creation Science, Christian Apologetic, and Biblical Worldview presenters. All presentations are given with the presupposition that the Bible is God’s inspired word and is accurate and inerrant in its original autographs. Genesis chapters 1-11 are foundational to the Christian faith and are historical narrative. God created everything in six 24 hour days less than 10,000 years ago, and most of the fossils in the sediments of the earth’s crust are a result of the worldwide Flood of Genesis, an awful judgment of God about 4,500 years ago. As a result of Adam’s Fall in the Garden of Eden all mankind is separated from God by sin. Mankind’s only path to reconciliation with God is through acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.
The Bible is a total world and life view that speaks to all disciplines and areas of life: ethics, psychology, sociology, science, law, politics, economics, and history. It encourages Christians to engage their culture by thinking biblically. A biblical worldview is viewing the world, the beginning of the world, people in the world, the problems in the world, governments in the world, issues in the world, solutions for the problems in the world, and the future of the world — through Gods Word. The Apologetics Forum equips people to think and live with a consistent and cohesive Biblical worldview.
AFSC is starting its educational meetings in the Fall of 2013. Some of the first lectures and DVDs under consideration include:
1. Possible Lectures by local speakers:
a. In Defense of Our Faith
b. The Basics of Creation Apologetics
c. Challenges to the Theory of Evolution
d. Genesis chapters 1-2, Creation: Foundation of Our Faith
e. Ten Reasons the Bible is Unique
f. Wonders of the Cell
g. Our Created Stars and Galaxies
h. Dinosaurs: Lost World of the Bible
i. Answering the New Atheists
2. Possible DVDs to show:
a. A Question of Origins
b. How Darwin Got It Wrong
c. Unlocking the Mystery of Life
d. Where Does the Evidence Lead?
e. The Dead Sea Scrolls
f. Evidence For the Bible
g. Privileged Planet
h. Radioactive Dating and a Young Earth
A number of local Christian/Creation Apologists who have spoken on topics of interest to AFSC have expressed an interest in speaking at AFSC meetings. They include:
1. Chris Ashcraft, M. Sc. Biology, Teacher
2. Dr. Heinz Lycklama, PhD in Nuclear Physics
3. Spike Psarris, B. Engin. –
4. Bruce Barton, BA in Meteorology and BA in Theology
More Creation Apologetics resources that we may draw on speakers and Creation organizations are listed on the NW Creation website at:
AFSC may also draw on resources from some Christian organizations that are compatible with the Forums What We Believe statement. [We do not endorse all of these organizations in their entirety.] The resources include books, DVDs and course material in the three related topic areas of interest to the Forum. Organizations of interest may include:
1. Christian Apologetics:
a. Always Be Ready Apologetics Ministry
b. Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
c. Apologetics 315 (Apologetics Resources)
d. Stand To Reason
e. Institute of Biblical Defense
2. Creation vs. Evolution:
a. Institute for Creation Research
b. Answers In Genesis
c. Creation Ministries International
d. Creation Moments
e. The Creation Research Society
f. Creation Studies Institute
g. Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS)
h. Northwest Creation Network
3. Biblical Worldview:
a. Summit Ministries
b. Christian Worldview Network
c. The Truth Project
d. Colson Center for Christian Worldview
e. Probe Ministries
f. Fixed Point Foundation
Tasks to be Accomplished/Issues to be Resolved/Volunteers Needed:
Heinz and Rob are in the process of contacting leaders in churches and schools in the North Snohomish County area to determine the level of interest in and possible endorsement for the Apologetics Forum. The survey questionnaireApolSurvey.docx has been sent to about 50 possible interested parties. Those interested in serving on the AFSC Board of Directors and on the Advisory Board will be identified based on survey results. If you, or someone you know, have a passion for Apologetics and an interest in serving on one of these Boards, let us know. Please use the Survey questionnaire to respond to the eleven questions. Fill in the blanks in the Survey MSWord document and return the survey answers as an email attachment to Heinz and Rob can be reached at:
Dr. Heinz Lycklama, 425-501-5075,, many lectures at
Mr. Rob Overgaard, 425-344-1169,
We are now actively working on the following items and are soliciting volunteers for some of the tasks:
1. Contacts We have compiled a list of contacts affiliated with churches and schools in the area that may have an interest in some participation in AFSC, individually and/or as a church or school.
2. A Survey with a list of questions has been developed to determine the level of interest of the contact point as well as that of the church or school.
3. Introductory email to contacts Once the draft material is ready for distribution, we will call each contact and email them the Survey questionnaire to solicit feedback on AFSC plans.
4. Board members We would like to have an active Board of Directors of 5 to 7 members with a genuine interest in the AFSC Mission described above. The Board would meet once a month (at least initially) to set the direction and agenda for the monthly Forum meetings.
5. Advisory Board members We would like to have an Advisory Board of 3 to 5 members who would provide feedback and set long term direction for the Forum. Meetings 2 or 3 times per year.
6. Relationships with other Apologetics/Creation groups It is our intent to establish strong supportive relationships with local Creation/Apologetics groups/entities such as CAPS and
7. Website/Webmaster We are looking for someone of like mind to set up an AFSC website that can be used as a source of information on the areas of interest to AFSC participants and to publicize monthly meetings.
8. Mailing list(s) We need to develop and maintain email lists of Forum participants.
9. Meeting times. Fri. 7 PM or Sat. 9 AM? 2nd or 4th weekend in the month?
10. Name of Apologetics Forum need a good acronym.
11. More opportunities for service by volunteers TBD:
a. Audiovisual assistance with equipment
b. Set up and tear down for meetings
c. Organize refreshments at meetings
12. Publicity TBD.
13. Membership TBD.
14. Lending library TBD.
15. Books and DVDs for sale? TBD.
16. Monthly newsletter? TBD.
17. 501( c )(3) non-profit organization? TBD.
18. Program committee later.
We are interested in volunteers who can help with various tasks identified above. This includes someone with web development skills to build and maintain the AFSC website. If you, or someone you know, have an interest in volunteering for some of these tasks, please let us know.
When: The first meeting of the AFSC Forum is planned for Friday September 27, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Atonement Free Lutheran Church in Arlington, WA. Heinz will speak on What You May Not Know About Creation Apologetics. There will be time for questions and answers about the lecture as well as about the plans for AFSC in the future. Refreshments will be available afterwards. More details later.
All documents referenced in this AFSC Description document can be found here:
1. ApolDesc.pdf AFSC Description Why, Who, When, Mission, Operation, What We Believe, Plans, Resources, Tasks, Issues, Volunteers.
2. ApolSurvey.docx Survey Questions.
3. heinz-bio-talks.pdf Bio for Dr. Heinz Lycklama.
Heinz Lycklama -
Last modified: November 17, 2013